

The purpose of the Research Policy is to create a vibrant atmosphere for research and thereby motivate faculty members and research scholars. The policy shall serve as an overall framework within which research activities may be carried out with enthusiasm.

Undertaking Research

Faculty members and research scholars of VLBJCAS are expected to undertake research, leading to quality research publications, paper presentations in National and International Conferences of repute, socially useful outcome and other similar research activity.

Recruitment and Promotion

VLBJCAS shall recruit such faculty members and researchers who have demonstrable/demonstrated capability in research. Faculty promotion may significantly depend on research undertaken. The quality of research output, especially research publications, may be assessed on the established yardsticks such as Scopus, SCI Indexed / High Impact Factor (IF) which will be revised from time to time. Seed money is allocated for various research activities like applying funding for projects, sanctioned projects and to the faculty members pursuing Ph.D programme. Travelling allowance is also provided to faculty members who have attended research related programmes. The management facilitates official on-duty for the researchers in connection with research projects and presentations.

Research Management

Overall management of research activities are co-ordinated by the Research Coordinator, Centre of Research (CoR), VLBJCAS under direct supervision of the Principal. CoR Members shall be responsible for overall functioning of research activities. The Minor and Major proposals from staff are submitted to CoR.

Research Ethics

As per the parent University norms, research ethics has been adopted. Researchers shall strive for honesty in all scientific communications. They shall honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. They must not fabricate, falsify or misrepresent data. During the period of research, scholars must not deceive colleagues, research sponsors or the public. The authors are advised to check for Plagiarism with the aid of free online Plagiarism checker.

Research Incentives

The Management provides incentives to the teachers after completion of Ph.D. programmes.