


  • Enhances the quality improvements in the academic process and exercises the pre-accreditation process.
  • Develops the system for conscious and consistent improvements in the overall performance of the institution at all levels.
  • Develops quality parameters for the activities of the college.
  • Creates the student-centric teaching learning environment for ensuring quality.
  • Solicits and implements the feedback/suggestions from stake holders on quality related issues.
  • Creates quality consciousness among students and teachers.
  • Documents the steps for quality enhancement.
  • Maintains the Institutional database.
  • Prepares annual quality assurance report (AQAR) for NAAC to be submitted at the end of each academic year.
  • Ensures the quality of academic programs.
  • Integrates the modern methods of teaching and monitors the effect on the students’ performance.
➤ Chair Person / Principal
➤ Management Representative
Mr. C.B.Srinivasan, Administrative Advisor
➤ Industrial Expert
Mr.S.Sakthivel, HRD Manager, Indoshell Castings, Coimbatore.
➤ Local Society Member
Mr.K.Vijayan, Academic Director, Alagappa University Study Centre, Coimbatore.
➤ Member from Employers
Ms.Devi, Senior HR, KGISL, Coimbatore.
➤ Teaching Staff Members
  1. Mr.R.Kanagaraj, Associate Professor/ Head – Dept. of IT & CT
  2. Dr.P. Shanthini, Associate Professor/ Head – Dept. of B.Com (PA)
  3. Dr.B.Suresh, Assistant Professor – Dept. of Electronics & Communication Systems
  4. Mr.B.Ramesh, Assistant Professor – Dept. of MCA & SS
➤ Administrative Officials
  1. Dr. R. Maheshkumar, Head - Librarian
  2. Mr.T. Karuppusamy, Controller of Examinations
  3. Ms.B. Nagalakshmi, Administrative Officer
➤ Alumni
Mr.R. Sathasivam, Senior Testing Engineer, WIPRO Technologies, Coimbatore.
➤ Student Members
  1. Ms.T.Regina Vasanthi - II MBA 
  2. Mr.S.Srinath - III B.Sc[CS]
  3. Mr.J.Samsundar - III B.Com CA 
➤ IQAC Co- ordinator
Dr. K.Vasudevan, Vice Principal / Head & Associate Professor -Department of ECS